Welcome to Serah's creative world!

About Me

I am a 1st year BSA student. I have dived into the world of creativity ever since Grade school. I am a commissioner since December 2020.

DISCLAIMER: I don't claim myself as a professional editor. What you see in my samples is what you also get.

Services and Rates

prices starts at 200 pesos
250 if video duration is below 1 minute
BASE RATE: 350 per minute
VIDEO EDIT (commercials, infomercial, documentary, etc.):
BASE RATE: 100 per minute
TYPOGRAPHY: 120 per minute, varies on the difficultyWITH SCRIPT:
My rush fee varies on the video task.
2 days rush - 100 pesos
1 day rush - 200 pesos
hours rush - 300 pesos
1 day rush - 50 pesos
hours rush - 70 pesos
1-2 days rush - 70 pesos
hours rush - 100 pesos


“Bad artists steal.”

Terms and Conditions

•PROVIDE FULL DETAILS--If you forgot to give other details in which it involves heavy revision of the output, then the commissioner is not liable anymore
•2 free light revision is accepted.
•Changing the video's speed does not reduces or increases the payment. Final price will still be based on the normal speed of duration. (This will also apply if the client wants to remove some parts of the video.)
•50% down payment is a must. No DP=No slot.
•Full payment must be settled immediately before giving the output (a short preview will be sent to the client first to see the output).
•Personal information are kept confidential.
•Video outputs are deleted from my google drive 3 days after the deadline, so kindly save a copy or download the video ( if you haven't save or downloaded the video within 3 days and I already deleted the output, I will not be accountable for it anymore as I already indicated it here in my T&C )
•Edited version of the video is deleted prior 1 hour after the client approves the output. The commissioner is not liable for any late information for revision.
•If the client did not respond after giving the output and it is past their deadline, the edited version of the video will be removed.
•Wrong details given results to additional fee depending on the complexity.
•Spam calling my phone number and telegram will have a fee of 100 pesos. PLEASE RESPECT MY PRIVACY.
•If I were to collate only the videos. I strictly need you to organize and rename the videos in their correct order to avoid hassle and confusions. Failed to follow this results to additional 20 payment fee per minute.
•No time indicated in the deadline is automatically an "anytime of the day" (This also applies if the client will only state “morning” then it would automatically mean until 11:59 AM, and if “afternoon” then it would automatically mean until 5:59pm).
•Cancelation fee is 70% of the fixed price if the output is already in progress. If I have finished the output and the client is canceling it, they are obliged to pay the full amount.
•Virtual meetings with clients would be rejected for several reasons: a.) I am surrounded by a loud environment, which means everywhere around my house has no space for privacy. b.) I have hectic schedules. c.) I am not yet comfortable talking with others thru virtual meetings.
Here are some alternatives instead! a.) You can send a voice message of the details. b.) You can send a video or screen record and I will gladly watch it.

1. Why do you delete the videos from your Google Drive?
- I only have 16GB storage in my gdrive, and I have catered around 350+ comms which I cannot keep all that 350+ videos in my drive as it takes too much space.
2. Why do you have a penalty for those who spam calls?
- I also have a life outside commstwt, my life doesn't revolve around twitter, plus It's very uncomfortable.